front cover

Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Region: NTSC

Country: United States of America

ReleaseDate: 2024-10-31

Players: 1

Co-op: No

Five Nights at Freddy's:NES

Also know as: FNAF:nes | fnaf

Five Nights at Freddy's: NES is a demake of FNAF 1 to the NES, with some slight tweaks made to gameplay in order to spice up the experience. You'll be utilizing your doors, lights, and monitor to ward off any roaming animatronics that try to reach you. Can you survive Five Nights at Freddy's: NES? Good luck. STORY: It's been two months since Mike was fired from Freddy's. You play as the new hire, Jeff. During your orientation, you were given a tour of the restaurant and trained on how the security system in your office works. In order to save on power, Fazbear Entertainment removed the ability to use both your office light and your door lights at the same time. They also emphasized how important it is that you don't show up on Saturday, as they will be closed for maintenance. There have been reports of a toxic smell, and management wants to make sure ventilation is working properly. Otherwise, it could cause extreme hallucinations. Fazbear Entertainment is NOT responsible for anything that may happen to you during your shift. made by: diamondskeleton0 on gamejolt

ESRB Rating: T - Teen

Genre(s): Strategy | Horror | Unofficial

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