front cover

Platform: Amiga

Region: Other

ReleaseDate: 1992-01-01

Players: 1

Co-op: No

Galaga '92

Also know as: Galaga92

Galaga '92 is a full-featured Galaga clone for the Amiga. It makes no attempt to emulate the look of the original arcade game, which was already ten years old at the time, but does try to create an "arcade" feeling by using a tall, overscanned screenmode with the action taking place only on a part of the full screen width, thereby mimicking the look of a portrait monitor used in many arcade shooters. Unlike the original, Galaga '92 has powerups — for firepower, speed, double bullets and an anti-powerup that removes all power ups from your ship. Enemies may also drop extra lives when shot. One special powerup is the tractor beam. Use it to capture one or two enemy ships, and they will turn into slave ships, doubling your firepower.

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Shooter

Other Graphic(s)

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