In this game, the player takes the role of the protagonist, the only volleyball player from Momojihara High School. The protagonist joins a joint practice held by Karasuno and interacts with the diverse cast of the Haikyuu!! universe. The player can befriend these characters and recruit them to make their own dream team. In some cases, when the trust meter gets to a certain number (eg. 50), you may trigger a special event such as a practice game to recruit someone or special item (eg. Donation Poster from Hinata). However, you will need to bring a certain character with you (eg. Kenma may need Hinata will trigger his special event). If you don't bring the right person, they will always give you a hint on who to bring with you. After you complete the main story, there is an extra storyline called Shimada Mart.
Trailer: YouTube
ESRB Rating: E - Everyone
Genre(s): Role-Playing