front cover

Platform: Atari 2600

Region: Region Not Set

Developer(s): Froggo Games Corporation

Publishers(s): Froggo Games Corporation

ReleaseDate: 1988-01-01

Players: 2

Co-op: No

Task Force

Terrorists are at it again, and you command anelite anti-terrorist Task Force. Negotiations have failed, so it's up to you to "take out" the terrorists. They're holding several highrise buildings, and your Task Force is in position outside. You have wire-guided missiles to fire any time a terrorist steps into view in a window. You must fire quickly, because the terrorists never miss you when they have time to get off a shot. And the terrorist leader on the roof has a neutron bomb that ends it for everybody if he lets it go. But look before you fire! The terrorists sometimes push hostages into view...don't shoot if the guy in the window doesn't have a gun. And plan ahead! You have to wait for new supplies after firing all of your wire-guided missiles. Take out the 9 terrorists in the first building, then your Task Force heads out to the next hot spot (held by 12 terrorists), and the next (held by 15 terrorists). Your fourth anti-terrorist operation is a treacherous night raid...and the action only gets hotter after that!

ESRB Rating: E - Everyone

Genre(s): Shooter

Other Graphic(s)

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