front cover

Platform: Nintendo Game Boy Color

Region: Other

ReleaseDate: 2024-05-02

Players: 1

Co-op: No


Also know as: Piropa (Homebrew) (v2.1)

"Your virtual frog friend! Raise your new pet by catching bugs, growing flowers, and taking care of their needs. Pet, feed, and clean up after them, then watch as they grow from tiny tadpole into one of six unique adults. With relaxing gameplay, fun music, and cute sprites, you’re sure to enjoy spending time with your very own virtual frog. Hop to it! Credits Music and sound effects by the amazing Beatscribe! Built using GBDK-2020, hUGEDriver, CBT-FX, and the Nanner 32 Color Palette Thanks to toxa, bbbbbr, Olivia, and many others on the GBDK Discord for help with figuring out save states, memory banks, and much more! Thanks to Robin for great feedback and ideas! Thanks to my friends in Seattle Smol Games for support and playtesting! Source code: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA"

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Life Simulation

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