front cover

Platform: Nintendo Game Boy Advance

Region: Other

ReleaseDate: 2024-04-24

Players: 1

Co-op: No

Pokémon Recharged Emerald - Rebalanced Version

Also know as: Pokemon - Recharged Emerald - Rebalanced Version (v2.0.3) (Jaizu)

Pokémon Recharged Emerald is romhack of the original Pokémon Emerald made by Jaizu featuring extensive engine upgrades, graphical improvements, and numerous Pokémon changes. It also introduces many quality-of-life features and offers various difficulty options, including a built-in Nuzlocke mode. Engine changes: Key item wheel to register 4 items at the same time. Trainers have more options now, so certain trainers can have EVS, better IV distribution for stuff like Hidden Power and even some trainers can name their Pokémon or have shinies! Smart re-usable Repel and Lure system Added a system that prevents giving non gen 3 items to Pokémon, which allows having new items like nature mints and bottle caps. Switch between Pokémon by pressing SELECT in the Party Menu. Battle moves will show its type GFX and special/physical category when selecting them. You can press START in battle to show info of the selected move, like its description and power. You can run in Pacifidlog Town Starter PID will get generated while the Birch’s bag UI gets loaded. You will be able to see if a starter is shiny before selecting it. The wall clock will show you the selected time before setting up the time for the first time. Tutorial Battle Ralts Can’t Be Shiny or Knocked Out Added an NPC that will tell you which Hidden Power your Pokémon has. ||NPC inside a house in Sootopolis city. Gym leaders will be daily rematchable instead a random percentage of it after each battle. Repeated Field Medicine Use Faster pre-battle intros Faster battle slide animation Message when a Pokémon picks up an item. You can swap items between Pokémon in the party menu. [Some implemented] Reusable move-tutors Better money loss when losing a battle, now you don’t lose half your money Birch intro fade in happens faster Modernized font a tiny bit Birch can be chased by different Pokémon

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Role-Playing

Other Graphic(s)

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