Pokémon Recharged Pink is a variation of Pokemon Recharged Yellow, tailored for players who don’t require compatibility with Generation 3 games. This version removes connection features and includes a cheat menu accessible through the Player’s computer. For a detailed list of changes, see below. Changes vs. Pokemon Recharged Yellow Clefairy is your starter Pokémon. The Pokédex features a pink UI. Save files are not compatible between the two. No ability to connect to other games. No game label in the Pokémon summary screen. A cheat menu in the Player’s computer allows access to items, Pokémon, and editing IVs/EVs. The default textbox color is pink instead of blue. Battle UI now features a pink/purple textbox instead of an orange one. Pikachu can be caught in the Viridian Forest. Changes to the battle engine Ghost-type is now Special & Dark-type and Dragon-type are now Physical. Some trainers have modified movesets to align with the type changes.
ESRB Rating: Not Rated
Genre(s): Adventure | Role-Playing | Unofficial