Pokemon Virtual is a late-twentieth-century video game created by X Company. The game connects directly to your neutrons, giving you the best experience possible. Something happened one day. You get lost on your way to school… in the Pokemon World! That’s where the story starts. Trying to escape from this world, you only get lost deeper and deeper into the story. On your journey, meet many human-form legends, discover untold stories, obtain a monster from the Dark Ancient, and finally, from a devil become a hero. One day, the game is gone, everything is over, but our memory is still… Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Kanto Z Features Transparent Textbox Mugshots Run indoors Mega Evolution New legendary Pokemon: Rivengon and Leon Reusable TMs Move Deleter and Move Relearner in every PC In-game cheats (in progress) Mini-games: Follow Pikachu, Racing, Dino Cave, Game Center Safari Zone is now Jurassic Park Bank Tower 100 with 100 floors Lots of shiny Pokemon
ESRB Rating: Not Rated
Genre(s): Action | Adventure | Role-Playing | Unofficial