Pokemon Girls Hunter Halloween is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by fz15 based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. Pokemon Girl Hunter Halloween is actually a new GBA Hack ROM that has a new story, a new region, new girls and pokemorph girls and gyms… But it’s a short game for Halloween. It will have more DLCs in the future where you can get more gyms, pokemon girls. I made this gameplay video in Pokemon Girls Hunter Halloween + Thanksgiving DLC. It’s actually completed in English and it will have more DLC in the future. And now, Let’s play baby! This one is a short game made for Halloween. It is pretty short compared to Pokemon Girls Hunter 1 and 2. However, It’s possible that more content will be added in the future. For now, it’s still impossible to complete the Pokedex.
ESRB Rating: AO - Adult Only 18+
Genre(s): Adventure | Role-Playing | Unofficial