front cover

Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)

Region: Other

ReleaseDate: 2015-11-26

Players: 1

Co-op: No

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure

Also know as: Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure | Mario and Luigi - Starlight Island Adventure (Gamma V) (Rev 6) | Mario & Luigi - Starlight Island Adventure (Rev. 06)

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure is a total revamp and reworking of Super Mario Starlight Remix. It is essentially what that hack would've been had I made it with my current hacking skills and all the resources that have come along since 2006. This 44-level hack includes: * Custom hand-drawn graphics * Custom music * Custom sprites * Custom blocks * ASM hacks

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Adventure | Unofficial

Other Graphic(s)

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